External Articles and Features

In addition to my articles on www.elenacsalazar.com, I have contributed to and been featured in external content. Take a look at the links below.

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It was a pleasure to be a panelist in LinkedIn’s How B2B Tech Brands Grow: The Marketing Laws That Govern Growth webinar panelist. Check out the slides and recording (passcode 8T!R1=N7).


Read why I was included in the The Top 50 Marketing Twitter Accounts To Follow in 2021 here.


InTheSpotlight w/ #Digital360Chat: Get to Know Elena Salazar.

InTheSpotlight w/ #Digital360Chat: Get to Know Elena Salazar. Check out the recap of the interview on Twitter here.


10 Important 2020 Social Media Trends You Need to Know.

10 Important 2020 Social Media Trends You Need to Know. Read it now on SearchEngineJournal.com.


B2B Marketing Q&A: Elena Salazar on Employee Advocacy, SpaceX Launches, Acroyoga and More.

B2B Marketing Q&A: Elena Salazar on Employee Advocacy, SpaceX Launches, Acroyoga and More. Read the interview here.


How to Use Shareable Videos and GIFs to Up Your Game on Social Media.

How to Use Shareable Videos and GIFs to Up Your Game on Social Media. Read my article on the CloudApp community blog.